Maybe even as bored & as listless as nico is looking as he contemplates his day.
Having one of the late yasmin's inspirational ad campaigns would help i suppose but thats just not possible anymore (may her soul RIP).
As would a better economy & more creative governance.
Since none of that is forthcoming, i guess we'd better dig deep and try to find some meaning to all of this bcos whatever the mess we're in right now might just get messier.
Lets get excited about being free all over again. lets be thankful for the courage & sacrifice of our forefathers. lets hold hands.. for the good of the nation and more importantly, for the sake of our children's future.
[a soldier's daughter is a soldier's daughter to the day that she dies hehehe]
Abe - hope you'll be getting another invite for iftar today. the thought of you breaking fast alone is heart wrenching la yang. wish i was there with you :(
AF - so yesterday's 'outing' must've been a success since you came back grinning worse than a cheshire cat heheh. good for you darling :)
AI - we'll see about the weekend ok yang. i dont want to commit bcos my energy level seem to be fluctuating way out of hand these days. ma cuba usahakan k.
AH - study my sweetie pie, study!!
Workout Log
Nil, Nada, Zilch (no running when i'm having my monthly).
you know, I think it must be Ramadhan. I didnt realise that its a week to go before Merdeka. Perhaps also because I am 8,000 miles away! Selamat meyambut merdeka...if there's anything at all.
KT - i dont blame u KT, yg dekat pun belum terasa bahangnye ni kan pulak yg jauh. yup, its probably ramadhan.
And since its alongside ramadhan this year, lets hope it'll be a more meaningful merdeka :)
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