That will be the downside of ramadhan. ironic isnt it that food would be overflowing the very month that fasting is observed. when our main focus should be of penitence & worship.
Worse part is, even when you put up a fight, you get so easily sucked into the bottomless pit of excess.
Talking about food & excesses, i remember this book about weight-loss. its pretty simple and advocates just 4 basic rules:
1. When you are hungry, EAT
2. EAT WHAT YOU WANT, not what you think you should.
3. Eat CONSCIOUSLY and enjoy every mouthful.
4. When you think you are full, STOP.
What i found intriguing about it was how it corresponded with the prophet's teaching. if one were to truly comprehend its meaning, its a reflection of familiar hadiths and sunnah.
Rasulullah ate enough to keep him going, but no so much as to make him fat. Ibn ‘Umar (ra - may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The believer eats in one stomach whilst the dis-believer eats in seven.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari (5081) and Muslim (2060).
Rasulullah taught his ummah something to protect them from diseases caused by eating and drinking. He said: “The son of Adam does not fill any vessel worse than his stomach. It is sufficient for the son of Adam to eat a few mouthfuls, to keep him going. If he must do that (fill his stomach), then let him fill one third with food, one third with drink and one third with air.” Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (1381), Ibn Maajah (3349);
"O children of Adam! Wear your beautiful apparel at every time and place of prayer; eat and drink, but waste not by excess. For Allah loves not the wasters."
- The Holy Quran, 7:31
Ramadhan is almost upon us... lets all make the most of it.
Lord give me the strength & resolve to give it my best.
Thank you for the reminder. I think most of us are aware of the 4 basics but it takes a lot of willpower to really adhere to them. But, as they say, practice makes perfect. Enjoy reading your blog. Wish I could write like you.
lets make the best of what we can with what time left for us :) insyaallah .. here's to a wonderful and as little splurge eating ramadhan days :)
W'salam siti.. u're very welcome, kita sama2 ingat mengingati.
I'm glad u enjoy what i write but siti, u definitely write better ;D
Take care k n jenguk2 la bila senang!!
Mudah2an juney kita dilimpahi baraqah & rahmat NYA.
..I have come to the point where not eating gave me as much pleasure as eating..:) so,Selamat menyambut bulan Ramadhan, Justi..take care..
Same to you & family pakmat..selamat menghiasi ramadhan :D
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