Its the turkmen's 18th year of independence from the soviet union and its a 2-day public holiday there. right now golfman is stuck in his penthouse bcos the roads are closed for the parade. apparently he has a good view of it from his balcony and its also where he & his buddies will be watching the fireworks tonite.

[pic googled from the www]
Lucky devil.. i'm green with envy ;D
oh ya, he's got 3 days of cooking and eating with his cronies!!!
Hehehe..apparently the cooking & eating started earlier: sunday - satay for lunch, tennis & laksa penang for dinner, monday - nasi ayam, PRamlee AliBaba movie slot & nasi goreng, tues - meehoon goreng plus nasi plus keropok plus whatever else & fireworks. ari ni? probably more of the same lol.
I'm sure you're 'not' missing any of that right eheheh ;D
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